Site Security Policy Handbook (ssphwg)


Chair(s): J. Paul Holbrook <> Joyce K. Reynolds <>

Security Area Director(s) Steve Crocker <>

Mailing lists: General To Subscribe: Archive:

Description of Working Group:

The Site Security Policy Handbook Working Group is chartered to create a handbook that will help sites develop their own site-specific policies and procedures to deal with computer security problems and their prevention.

Among the issues to be considered in this group are:

  1. Establishing official site policy on computer security:

  2. Establishing procedures to prevent security problems:

  3. Establishing procedures to use when unauthorized activity occurs:

  4. Establishing post-incident procedures

Goals and Milestones:

Done Review, amend, and approve the Charter as necessary. Examine the particular customer needs for a handbook and define the scope. Continue work on an outline for the handbook. Set up an SSPHWG ``editorial board for future writing assignments for the first draft of document.

Done Finalize outline and organization of handbook. Partition out pieces to interested parties and SSPHWG editorial board members.

Done Pull together a first draft handbook for Working Group review and modification.

Oct 90 Finalize draft handbook and initiate IETF Internet Draft review process, to follow with the submission of the handbook to the RFC Editor for publication.

Oct 90 Finalize draft handbook and initiate IETF Internet Draft review process, to follow with the submission of the handbook to the RFC Editor forpublication.

Internet Drafts:

No Current Internet drafts.

Request For Comments:

RFC Stat Published Title ——- – ———- —————————————– RFC1244 Jul 91 Site Security Handbook